Quick Loans and Funding With:
Scroll Down To See How It Works...
Our Quick Funding Network Has Secured Over $200 Million In Funding For Both Individuals and Businesses
Of All Sizes...
Get access to the best funding you can possibly qualify for, including unsecured credit lines, low interest unsecured cash loans, unsecured funding for real estate investments, and much more. Draw against your credit lines as often as you like, and use our cash funding program for any kind of business venture, or even personal use.
Trusted By Thousands of Individuals
And Business Owners Nationwide
Get Instant Access To Funding
We help you secure quick funding as a solution to the common problem of rejection
and restrictions on funding, and the difficult approval process of traditional lending.
Unsecured Loans and Lines of Credit
Up To $2 Million.
Quick Funding With
No Upfront Costs or
Collateral Required.
No Restrictions.
Funding Can Be Used For Any Purpose.
Find Out Your Funding Options Without Any Cost or Impacting
Your Credit.
Find Out Your Funding Options With Our Simple
Step By Step Process
The Funding Process
and How It Works
It's Time To Get Funding!
Once you submit your credit report, our underwriting team will quickly evaluate your situation, and come up with funding options using our Powerful Lender Matching System.
This powerful automated system will match you with the right lenders and outline
the top funding offers that you qualify for.
Finding Out What You're Qualified For Does NOT Affect Your Credit in Any Way.
Once we know what you're qualified for, your personal funding manager will then discuss your options with you and walk you through our simple application process.
Once you're approved, you will typically have access to your funds within 1-2 weeks.
Some banks will close as quick as 2 days, depending on the bank and their process.
Quick Approval & Funding Within Days...
NO Upfront Costs
NO Collateral Required
NO Minimum Time in Business
NO Appraisals Required
NO Inspections Required
NO Liens Against Work Equipment or Property
NO Restrictions On Use - Funding Now Available For Any Kind of Business Venture, Business Startups, Working Capital, or Even Personal Use!
$20,000 to $2 Million Now Available For
Individuals and Businesses of All Sizes
Up To 99% Approval Rate For Those Who Qualify
We Don't Work For The Banks
We Work For YOU
To Get You The Absolute Most
Amount Of Funding Possible...
We Can Help You Get Up To 20X What You Can Obtain On Your Own,
With Our Select Group Of Promising Lenders...
Let Us Do The Hard Work For You.
Let Us Submit Your Application To Our Network of Lenders;
Lenders That We Have Worked With For YEARS...
It's the knowledge and the bank relationships we have that make our powerful accumulative funding process possible, not the actual task of
just submitting applications for you.
We know exactly what type of funding to apply for and specifically in what order,
to avoid declines and unnecessary inquiries that will ruin your credit.
We know which banks use which servicing companies and their exact guidelines;
guidelines they don't advertise to the public.
You Should Never Attempt To Apply For High Limit Funding On Your Own.
You May End Up With Lower Limits,
Less Approvals, More Inquiries, and More Shut Down Accounts.
UP TO $20,000 to $100,000 IN FUNDING.
We Know Which Banks Will Say YES and Which Will Say NO
1.) We have crucial back-end information and requirements that are not available to the public.
2.) We know which cities and states each financial institution will lend to (not all banks lend in all areas).
3.) We know how many inquiries each financial institution will allow. If you have even just one more inquiry
than they allow (even with an 800 credit score) you will be declined.
4.) Because of the inquiry sensitivity, we know in which order each app needs to be submitted first.
5.) We also know which banks ONLY run a soft credit pull (one that doesn't show on your credit report).
6.) We know exactly what banks match your credit profile (how many open revolving accounts are required, balance ratios preferred by the banks, and more...)
Funding For Individuals, Investors, and Businesses (Including Start-ups!)
No Collateral Required!
No Appraisals Required!
No Inspections Required!
No Liens Against Work Equipment or Property!
Cash Loans With Amazing Terms and Low Interest Rates!
Fix and Flip Real Estate Funding With No Money Down!
Funding For Investors Who Need Down Payment Cash To Buy A New Property!
Qualify For Up To 20X The Funding That You Can Get On Your Own At The Bank!
No Upfront Costs - If We Don't Get You Funding, We Don't Get Paid! - No Hidden Costs!
Quick Approval Within 1-2 Days - Funding in 1-2 Weeks or Less!
What Kind of Funding Do You Offer?Our two main funding programs consist of cash loans and revolving lines of credit for individuals, existing business owners, real estate investors, and business start-ups.
How Much Funding Can I Qualify For?Funding is typically available from $20,000 to $2 Million. Funding amounts vary based on several factors. We maximize your borrowing potential by leveraging our relationships and wide array of funding options with our 100+ lending partners, to get you the most amount of funding possible.
How Quickly Can I Get Funding?We can get you a pre-approval within 24 hours or less, and depending on the amount of funds requested, it takes about 2-5 days for us to complete our submissions and get you approvals with good offers. It then takes approximately 2-7 business days for the funding to arrive after the date of approval. You will receive a clear timeline of your loan process, so you know what to expect. Our step-by-step process minimizes delays, ensuring a smooth path to funding.
Are There Any Upfront Fees?Absolutely not. Nothing is charged to our cients upfront. Quick Fund Now does not charge an upfront fee, but rather a percentage of the funding that we are able to obtain on your behalf. Our service fees vary from file to file, based on the level of work which needs to be performed in order to help secure your funding. Our service is 100% performance-based. If we do not get you funding, we do not get paid.
When Will I Be Required To Pay You For Providing Your Funding Service?We will provide you with written instructions regarding payment for our service, which will be due after you receive your funding.
What Forms of Payment Will You Accept For Payment?We collect our back-end success fee via several methods of payment, including: PayPal, Credit Card Charge Authorization Form, Online Balance Transfer and Direct Wire. Instructions will be provided at the time of payment.
What Is The Minimum Credit Score Required To Obtain Funding?Our standard program requires a minimum credit score of 700 (680 case by case). Please keep in mind that more than scores matter. Clients who receive the most funding have credit reports that show they have at least 4 open tradelines (accounts), and have borrowed money responsibly in the past.
Can A Co-Signer Be Used When Applying For Funding?Yes, if you have below a 700 credit score, a co-signer may be used.
Can I Still Qualify For A Loan With A Bankruptcy On My Credit Report?Yes, however, the bankruptcy must be at least 5 years old.
Is This Merchant Cash Advance Funding?No, this is NOT a Merchant Cash Advance Program. Our funding programs offer low interest rate cash loans, traditional and revolving lines of credit, and high limit credit card funding with exciting terms. We have more worthwhile funding options, and they are not merchant cash advances. If you have had a bad experience with a merchant cash advance company or don’t want to pay outrageous interest rates, Quick Fund Now is a great alternative for those with 700+ credit, or a co-signer with 700+ credit. We offer instant access to quick funding options with low rates and amazing terms.
Do You Have A Referral or Partner Program?Yes, we do offer a referral program. If you know someone who needs funding, please contact us for more information on our referral process.
Why Should I Work With You and Not Apply For Funding On My Own?There are many reasons why you should work with Quick Fund Now instead of trying to secure funding on your own. Here Are 5 of The Most important Reasons: 1.) We Work For You! We don't work for the banks. We work for you, to get you the absolute most funding possible; much more than you can obtain on your own walking into a bank. 2.) Get Up To 20X The Funding! We help you get up to 20 times what you can obtain on your own, with lower interest, much longer terms, and FASTER. Most banks will take weeks just to tell you No. 3.) 100% Done-For-You Application Process! We do all the hard work for you, and complete and submit your applications to our select group of lenders; lenders that we've worked with for years (Lenders Who Are Open To Working WIth You And WIll Most Likely Approve You For Funding). 4.) We Know Which Banks Will Say Yes, and Which Will Say No! It's our knowledge and relationships with the banks that make the funding process happen, not just submitting applications. We know the banks and their EXACT guidelines (guidelines they don't advertise to the public). We know which cities and states each financial institution will allow (not all banks lend in all areas). We know how many inquiries each financial institution will allow. If you have just ONE more inquiry than a certain bank will allow (even with an 800 credit score), you will be denied and rejected. Because of inquiry sensitivity, we know in which oorder each application needs to be submiited. we also know which banks run a soft credit pull (one that does show on your credit report). And Lastly, we know exactly which banks match your credit profile (how many open revolving accounts are required, balance ratios preferred by the lenders, and much more). Applying for funding on your own can not only ruin your credit, but just ONE bad inquiry can cost you up to $20,000-$100,000 in funding - Why Risk It? 5.) 100% Non-Dilutive Funding! If you are an existing business owner or seeking start-up funding, this applies to you: Due to the common difficulty in getting traditional funding, entrepreneurs and business owners are often forced to pay high-interest to investors, and give away large percentages of their business in order to secure funding. Quick Fund Now offers a 100% Non-Dilutive funding service! You now have instant access to funding, without costly investors, or being forced to give your business away, just to get much needed funding.
$20,000 to $2 Million
Available For
ANY Purpose
NEW YORK, NY 10022
P: 1-877-500-2012 | INFO@QUICKFUNDNOW.COM